Final Project - The SmartMat

For our Final Year Project, we decided to get into groups of 4 to create the SmartMat - a food tray that helps measure the temperature of food placed on it. The rationale of this was because as architecture students, we are very busy about our schoolwork. We are so caught up with our work that we do not think about our other activities, like eating. So we designed this tray so that we can determine how hot our food is when we are engrossed in doing our own work.

Here is a video of the product in action:

Roles of Each Member:

Jeanine: In charge of designing and lazer cutting the wooden frame
Kun Teng: Designing and 3D Printing the Arduino case
Rifky and Airiez: In charge of handling all electronics, both hardware and software

My Contributions to the Project

I was in charge of the software section of the project, along with my groupmate Airiez. At first, we encountered a few problems gathering code for the Arduino Uno. We were using sample code from this website for the thermistor and this website, but we realised that we could not use the standard code for the LCD display and the thermistor because the display we were using had a backpack, using i2c communication. Thus, we had to search for a DHT11 library as well as an adafruit i2c lcd library. The first library was used to program the thermistor to read variables such as temperature and humidity, while the second library was to program the LCD monitor to display information. When we combined the two libraries together, we arrived with a code that displays temperature readings on the LCD screen in real time.

This is the code that we used in the Arduino Uno. [.ino file]